
 The Full Guide for Scalp Skincare for the Bald    

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Grace Michaeli

The Full Guide for Scalp Skincare for the Bald    

So, you’ve shaved your head – now what? The decision to boldly go completely bald often comes with a sense of relief. No hair – no care, right? Well, not quite. Bare scalp skin deserves as much attention as the skin on your face. Hair grows on our bodies for a reason and its complete removal requires adequate compensation. Without the hair, your skin is more exposed and vulnerable. A bald scalp requires careful scalp skincare. So it’s a good thing Particle has prepared this guide for you! 


So, you’ve shaved your head – now what?

So, you’ve shaved your head – now what?


Shaving Routine

From now on your shaving routine will include shaving your head and you want to have a proper scalp skincare regimen, during and after shaving. Before shaving, wash with a mild shampoo and use pre-shave oil. Use razor and shaving cream specially designed for bald heads. Just like the skin on your face, your scalp needs to be soothed after shaving. Refresh your skin with a cool soft towel. A gentle moisturizer, jojoba oil, or Aloe Vera will calm and replenish the skin. Don’t skimp on the razor, shaving cream and post-shaving products – your bald head deserves the best.


Head Wash

Having no hair up there doesn’t mean you don’t need to wash. Dirt and sebum can still build up, which means you still need to wash the head with a shampoo. But without the hair to absorb some of the elements, your skin is very sensitive. Harsh shampoo ingredients can dry out the skin of your scalp and even cause bald dandruff, itchiness, scratches and acne. If you are experiencing any of these problems, you may want to change your shampoo. Watch out for PPDs (Paraphenylenediamines) and sulfates should be part of your new scalp skincare. They can be especially taxing for a bald scalp.


Aloe Vera will calm and replenish the skin.

Aloe Vera will calm and replenish the skin.



If your skin gets dry easily after you’ve joined the bald head club, you need extra measures to keep moisturized. Diet and hydration play a key part in this. You want to ingest more water, by drinking more and eating watermelon, oranges, etc. But to make sure your bald scalp is a glowing picture of health, use a good moisturizer. Your new scalp skincare should include moisturizers for sensitive skin, like tea tree oil and argan oil.



SPF should be a given for all bald eagles out there. If you were an outdoorsy shaggy beast before shaving, you probably remember how hot the hair can get. Now that there is no hair to stand between you and the sun, harsh UV rays rain right down on your bare skin. Make it a daily habit to slather your shiny handsome dome with sunscreen of 45 SPF or higher. This will prevent skin damage and premature skin aging. A sunburned scalp is not something you want to try.


SPF should be a given for all bald eagles out there.

SPF should be a given for all bald eagles out there.


Shiny vs Matte

Those bold enough to step into this bald wilderness find themselves facing a choice – to go shiny or matte? The Hamlet types among you might spend a while pondering this one. You may want to search deep inside your soul and ask yourself – what do I really want? Is it the Michael Jordan shine you seek – then applying jojoba oil lotion is what you need. You can also use baby oil or products specifically designed to lube your dome. Feel you are not the reflective type? Just look for aftershave balms with the word Matte or oil-free moisturizers.


Feel you are not the reflective type?

Feel you are not the reflective type?


Be Bald – Be Bright

Going completely bald doesn’t mean completely forgetting about skincare. Scalp skincare is essential in the land of the bald. A shaved head has plenty of badass style, but only as long as you take care of it properly. To hold your head up high and be proud of your matte or shiny looks, develop a scalp skincare routine. Make it a principle to treat your scalp as you do your face.