How To Develop a Men’s Skincare Routine This Summer

Do you realize that a men’s skincare routine should change along with the weather? Summer is here, and the hot summer sun can wreak havoc on your skin.
If you notice changes in your skin during the hottest months, you can thank the humidity. It can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and breakouts.
Taking good care of your skin in the summer will help combat these issues. If you’re searching for ways to look your best during the dog days of summer, we have some ideas.
Here are our tips for the best men’s skincare all summer long.
Wash Your Face Daily
Whether you’re dealing with breakouts or not, you need to cleanse your skin every day. Choose a cleanser you can use in the morning, at night, and after a workout.
Regular cleansing can prevent dirt, impurities, or sebum from building up and clogging pores. A light foaming face wash in the summer is best.
You don’t need to scrub your face. A gentle cleanse twice a day is ideal.
A non-comedogenic, non-irritating cleanser can help you keep your skin clean and smooth during the hottest months of the year.
Moisturize Your Skin
Whether your skin is dry or oily, it needs moisture. Dry spots can develop regardless of skin type.
Many men shower more frequently during the summer, which can dry out their skin. Choose a summer moisturizer that’s lightweight with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin.
If your skin is oil-prone, a gel moisturizer or water-based moisturizer will minimize further oil production. Although a rich moisturizer may be perfect for the cold, dry winter months, a lighter version is best for summer.
Hydrate Your Skin and Body
Drinking enough water is critical for your skin and overall health, and this is especially true during the summer. Water clears the toxins from your body, hydrates the cells, and cools you down.
Aim for eight glasses a day during the summer months. Limit sugary soft drinks, juices, and sports drinks. Nothing is better for your skin or body than a refreshing glass of H2O.
Protect Your Skin
Most men do not bother to wear sunscreen. But this is beginning to change.
More and more, men realize the value of skincare and the importance of protecting their skin from the sun. Although a higher SPF provides more skin protection, a lower SPF is all you need most days for a men’s skincare routine.
Be sure to choose a broad-spectrum SPF that blocks UVA and UVB rays. Try to limit your time in the sun, especially during the hottest hours of the day, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Whenever possible, head for the shade and cover up exposed areas of skin.
Save Face
Choosing to use sunscreen is a good first step. But it’s even better to use a separate sunscreen for your face and body.
A heavy, oily sunscreen can clog pores and lead to blackheads and breakouts. For your face, a water-based, oil-free sunscreen is best.
Exfoliate Your Skin
Exfoliation involves removing dead skin cells that build up on your body. It’s a good way to regulate oil production once or twice a week.
You don’t want to over-exfoliate or scrub your skin harshly. Avoid harsh tools and products containing harsh chemicals.
Products with glycolic acid can help with exfoliation and leave your skin soft and smooth. This can contribute to sun sensitivity, so be careful not to use more than the recommended amount.
After you exfoliate, give your skin time to heal. Try to stay out of the direct sun for 3-5 days.
Use a Lip Balm
You may not think of lip balm as a manly product, but you will benefit from taking care of your lips and your skin.
Many people forget about the importance of protecting their lips from the sun. Your lips are especially sensitive to the sun and can burn quite easily.
Keep your lips soft and moisturized by using lip balm daily. If you plan to be in the sun, choose a lip balm with SPF.
Take a Cool Shower
You probably take more showers during the summer than at any other time of the year. All that hot water can dry out your skin.
A cool shower is refreshing. It’s perfect after a workout or time spent in the sun. Cool showers help cleanse the skin after excess sweating, decreasing the chances of skin irritation or breakouts.
Remember Your Scalp
Your scalp and forehead get the brunt of the sun’s rays. Remember to gently cleanse your scalp each day.
Using a sunscreen spray along your scalp and hairline is a good way to protect this area from the sun. A spray is more easily absorbed in this area than lotions or creams.
Don’t Ignore Your Eyes
Eye cream isn’t just for girls! It’s easy to forget about the skin around your eyes. Your eye area is the quickest part of your face to show age.
Don’t let dark circles, under-eye bags, or puffiness give away your age. Remember to moisturize and care for the sensitive skin around your eyes.
An eye cream containing hyaluronic acid, pre-retinol, and vitamin C help to decrease puffiness, reduce wrinkles, and brighten the skin.
Stick to a Men’s Skincare Routine This Summer
As a man, you want to look and feel your absolute best. The summer sun can be rough on anyone’s skin. A little extra care can keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and looking its best.
At Particle for Men, we believe men’s grooming should go beyond the basics. Our products are designed to enhance your appearance using only the finest ingredients available.
If you’re thinking of ramping up your men’s skincare routine this summer, our products are made with you in mind. Before you go, take a moment to check out our premium skincare line.