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Dry Shaving Pros and Cons

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Grace Michaeli

It’s morning, you’re in a rush, you need to get ready for that important meeting. Of course, you’ll have to shave before. But who has time to reach for that razor, use shaving cream and water? That’s when dry shaving is an ideal solution. With an electric or blade razor, just shaving away without any cream or gel. It’s your time-saving hero that’s come to the rescue! 

But did you know dry shaving can have a severe impact on your skin? It can flare up existing conditions and lead to skin irritation. However, before you condemn dry shaving, let us tell you all about the pros and cons. Plus, we’ll throw in a pro tip on how to do it right. 


Before you condemn dry shaving, let us tell you all about the pros and cons.

Before you condemn dry shaving, let us tell you all about the pros and cons.


Dry Shaving – Pros 

While the cons of dry shaving are pretty obvious, there are substantial pros to consider. After all, anything that can save time is definitely something worth considering. So what are some of the pros? 

Pro #1 Quick and Easy 

Speed and convenience are without a doubt an important factor. Current devices, that is the electric shaver, make the process way more accessible and simple. Naturally, you can always use water with your electric shaver, but then it’s not really a dry shave. With an electric shaver, you can shave anywhere and anytime. 

Pro #2 Less Ingrown Hairs 

Another important advantage of dry shaving is the fact that you’ll suffer from fewer shaving-related skin issues. Since the electric shaver doesn’t ever touch your skin, you might suffer fewer nicks, cuts, and razor burn. The electric shaver basically cuts the hair, which means that you won’t get a perfectly close shave – but it’ll be pretty close. 


With an electric shaver you can shave anywhere and anytime.

With an electric shaver you can shave anywhere and anytime.


Dry Shaving – Cons 

Fast and painless – seems ideal, right? Well, you’d be surprised to hear what dry shaving could potentially do to your skin (even though the electric shaver rarely touches it). So, what should you look out for? 

Con #1 Imperfection 

As previously mentioned, it’s hard to get a smooth shave with an electric shaver. This means that while you’ll be saving time every morning, you’ll have to shave again the very next day. So, is it really a time-saver? It might be, for people who don’t have to shave on a daily basis. Or as a one-time solution when you’re in a hurry. But if you’re one of those people who like to look sharp for work every day, we recommend staying away from dry shaves. 

Con #2 Dehydration 

In order to stay young, fresh, and wrinkle-free, your skin needs to sustain its moisture and hydration. This is why we recommend using a rich moisturizer for men. But when it comes to dry shaving, the electric shaver or disposable razor constantly brush against your dry skin. While the blade itself doesn’t nick the skin, the constant friction may rob the skin of its natural sebum – the oil that keeps your skin supple and elastic. When you use a cream or a cleanser before shaving, the moisture is trapped under your skin, making shaving much easier and healthier. 

Con # 3 Irritation 

Since the electric razor does have some contact with your skin, it can cause irritation, itchiness, and flare up existing conditions. If you don’t moisturize on a regular basis, eventually, the repeated dry shaving will dehydrate your skin. Then, the friction with the shaving tools might lead to chafed skin, redness, and itchiness. So while you won’t be actively wounding your skin, it still might be harmed. 


You can decide to dry shave with an electric shaver or a blade razor.

You can decide to dry shave with an electric shaver or a blade razor.


How to Do it Right! 

You’ll be glad to hear that there is a way out! That is, we have the perfect guide for dry shaving. It’s a real-time and skin saver. So, here’s what you need to do: 

  • First, choose your tools: you can decide to dry shave with an electric shaver or a blade razor – each requires slightly different instructions. 
  • Even though it’s called dry shaving, you can still use a natural oil, coconut oil works well here. 
  • Make sure that you shave against the grain and while applying very light pressure. 
  • Be gentle and go as slow as you can. We know that dry shaving is meant to be a time-saver, but cutting yourself defeats the purpose. 
  • If you have a spare moment, use a moisturizer after you’ve shaved. Restore the moisture the skin might have lost. 

Whether you choose to dry or wet shave, remember that your skin should be of utmost importance. Your stubble will regrow, but your skin is much harder to repair!