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10 Ways to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet

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Grace Michaeli

As we age, different bits and pieces change with us. For instance, your hair grows white, you might be needing reading glasses, but more importantly, almost everything about your skin changes. As collagen levels naturally decrease, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and drier, which means it will crinkle quite easily, and therefore, result in different types of wrinkles; the most popular of which is the notorious crow’s feet. 


Otherwise known as “laugh lines”, or even “character lines”, these wrinkles form around the eyes when the circular muscles contract – such as in laughing, crying, smiling, or squinting. Since the skin is deprived of its elastin, the constant movement of the skin around the eyes creates wrinkles that deepen with time. If not treated appropriately and in a timely manner, these lines become permanent and eventually result in extremely visible crow’s feet. 


These wrinkles form around the eyes when the circular muscles contract.

These wrinkles form around the eyes when the circular muscles contract.


Now, you may wear those wrinkles with pride (and there’s nothing wrong with a couple of lines), but if they’re becoming a nuisance, there’s plenty you can do about it. So, without further ado, we’d like to share with you the 10 best ways to get rid of crow’s feet; everything you need to know about prevention, treatments, and remedies. 


Sun Protection and Prevention 

Your facial skin is substantially different from the rest of the skin covering your body. It’s thinner, has larger pores, and tends to be oilier, which is why it requires tailored solutions. That being said, the skin surrounding your eyes is even more sensitive and thin. Which is why sun UV rays affect it more severely than they do the rest of your skin. In fact, studies have found that 5-10% of all skin cancer cases develop around the eyes. So, what can you do to protect them? 


Well, as you probably know, sunglasses are more than just a cool accessory that goes with any outfit. Make sure that you choose shades that can block UV rays. Furthermore, wear sunscreen on a daily basis; try to incorporate it into your skincare routine before leaving the house in the morning. Last but not least, if you’re at the beach, best to throw a hat over your head and choose a shaded area. 


Make sure that you choose shades that can block UV rays.

Make sure that you choose shades that can block UV rays.

Cut the Smokes

You probably know all about the dangers of smoking. But aside from the obvious risk to your lungs, smoking can have a terrible impact on your skin. The first of which is accelerating the skin’s aging process. The smoke robs the skin of its natural sebum, and therefore, also of its natural elastin. Now, this process happens naturally, so why speed it up? The acceleration process could result in the appearance of spots and blemishes, uneven skin tone, baggier skin, and yes, even crow’s feet. 


Once you stop smoking, the existing wrinkles won’t disappear, but your skin pores will no longer be suffocated by the smoke and dirt from your cigarettes. Next, your blood circulation will improve, and so will the function of your oil glands. It will take some time, but eventually, and with the right skincare regimen, your skin’s health will catch up.  


Smoking can have a terrible impact on your skin.

Smoking can have a terrible impact on your skin.

Eat for Crow’s Feet 

Our nutrition and the vitamins we take play a huge part in our overall well-being. They can, when chosen wisely, have a tremendous effect on our skin and its vivacity. For instance, did you know that certain foods can increase collagen production, which in turn boosts the skin’s elasticity? These foods include lean meats, different types of fish, cashews, and a variety of greens. 


Other vitamins, such as B5, can accelerate skin cell and hair growth and as a result, speed up the skin’s healing process as well as its rejuvenation. You should also consider adding foods and vitamins that improve your blood circulation, vitamin E for instance. It has also shown to be effective in reducing UV damages, which is crucial in case you haven’t followed the first tip in this list. This is a great chance to introduce eggs, avocados, and different seeds. 


Certain foods can increase collagen production and boost the skin's elasticity.

Certain foods can increase collagen production and boost the skin’s elasticity.


Never Late to Hydrate 

Keeping hydrated is a great way to prevent and treat crow’s feet or any wrinkles for that matter. Studies show that drinking 8 cups of water a day can not only help in flushing out any toxins that may be harming your skin but also assist in maintaining the skin hydrated from within. Skin hydration is extremely important when it comes to older skin that is more prone to dryness and therefore experience coarser wrinkles. 


Very much like quitting smoking, drinking a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis, won’t have immediate results. The first thing you’ll see is that your skin seems more radiant and healthy. Next, your skin will retrieve some of its elasticity which would help smooth out the existing crinkles surrounding your eyes. Though this may seem like a fairly simple way to prevent crow’s feet, you’d be surprised what wonders water could work for your skin. 


Skin hydration is extremely important when it comes to aging skin.

Skin hydration is extremely important when it comes to aging skin.

Add More Moisture 

While it’s important to hydrate your skin from the inside, it’s just as vital to moisturize the skin on the outside. Steady use of moisturizing cream can both prevent any future lines but also assist in smoothing out any existing wrinkles, crow’s feet included. The suitable face cream will be able to nourish the skin and provide all the essential nutrients it may have lost with the collagen levels reduction. Furthermore, such creams were meant to trap existing moisture under that skin and by doing so, boost elasticity. 


Often including anti-aging ingredients, such as vitamin E and Squalane oil, face creams should be used on a daily basis for maximum effect. Specifically for Particle’s face cream: rinse your face thoroughly, apply twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, and see results within a matter of days. 


Moisturizing cream can both prevent any future lines but also assist in smoothing out any existing wrinkles.

Moisturizing cream can both prevent any future lines but also assist in smoothing out any existing wrinkles.


Beauty Sleep – Not a Myth

Sleeping is quite essential for your skin’s health. Without a good nights’ sleep, the skin’s natural processes that occur over night are hindered. For instance, the skin cell rejuvenation process remains incomplete and slows down. The blood circulation suffers, too. And if that’s not enough, the position in which you sleep and the type of pillowcase you sleep on can affect the crinkles that form on your skin, otherwise known as “sleep lines”. 


The best thing you can do for your skin is not only to make sure you catch those Zs, but that you do it the right way. Dermatologists recommend sleeping on your back, which can prevent inflammation and promote healthy blood circulation. Of course, you should sleep the minimum required number of hours, which is between 6 to 8. Another important thing is choosing a soft fabric for your pillowcase so that your natural and much-necessary sebum won’t easily rub off. 


Sleeping is quite essential for your skin’s health.

Sleeping is quite essential for your skin’s health.

Stay Away From Toxins 

This might seem pretty obvious – toxins are bad for your skin. But you might be completely unaware of the fact that you’re single-handedly hurting your skin. Toxins and harsh chemicals are used in different types of soaps and creams. Now, you might think that the harsher the soap, the better the cleanse. However, research has shown that cleaning your skin too roughly or with severe products can strip the skin of its natural oil, resulting in accentuating and deepening the finest lines. So, not only will you harm your skin, but you’ll also increase existing wrinkles. 


The solution is using an all-natural and revitalizing face wash that’s suitable for sensitive facial skin. Such a cleanser won’t smoothen your crow’s feet, but it will prevent further wrinkling. Plus, it will help to sustain the natural oil of your skin while removing bacteria and grime – both of which accelerate the skin’s aging process. 


Toxins and harsh chemicals are used in different types of soaps and creams.

Toxins and harsh chemicals are used in different types of soaps and creams.

Rub the Wrinkles Away 

While you’re applying your moisturizer or facial soap, you can go the extra mile and help the skin around your eyes to a pleasant and effective massage. Some specialists claim the movement of the massage is what matters. However, studies indicate that whether you move your fingers in circular movements or not, it’s the very act of massaging that can awaken the muscles around your eyes. Stretching the skin upwards to prevent sagginess, or rubbing around your eyes to smoothen the crow’s feet, won’t make a difference. 


So, what’s the point in rubbing anyways? The movement of your fingers against the skin promotes blood circulation, which in turn can boost the skin’s natural rejuvenation process. Furthermore, it can stimulate oxygen to the skin, which allows it to “breath” better, and therefore, retrieve some of its elasticity. 


The movement of your fingers against the skin promotes blood circulation.

The movement of your fingers against the skin promotes blood circulation.


Deeper Cleanse for Deeper Lines 

Your skincare routine should definitely include a moisturizer and a face wash – both of which assist in preventing the wrinkles from forming on your skin. But if you feel that your lines are becoming a tad deeper, it’s time to pull out the big solutions; apply a clay-based mask. Especially one that’s based on Bentonite clay, which is known to draw out bacteria and prevent different skin conditions. 


Moreover, research has shown that these masks are useful in treating cuts and nicks. More importantly, and specifically for your wrinkle issues, studies have suggested that these masks boost collagen fibers production, which is essentially what your skin is currently losing. All it takes is one weekly use of the mask to achieve a deep cleanse that would remove all dirt and firm the skin up, thus, treating the crow’s feet directly. 


Studies have suggested that these masks boost collagen fibers production.

Studies have suggested that these masks boost collagen fibers production.

Crow’s Feet – Treat it Yourself

If all else fails and you’ve actually taken all the prevention routes, there’s plenty you can do with what you have at home. It should be noted, that these DIY treatments have a limited effect when it comes to long-term treatments of wrinkles and lines. But if you need that extra boost, some of these home remedies will do the trick. 


First, you can enrich and nourish the skin by applying coconut oil around your eyes. It both contains vitamin E, which as previously mentioned is an anti-aging ingredient, and moisturizes the skin. Another great way to alleviate puffiness, which may lead to crow’s eyes, is by applying aloe vera, as well as using cucumber patches that contain vitamin B5. Lastly, there’s the old lemon exfoliator, that is, rubbing fresh lemon juice on the crow’s feet (of course, while making sure to protect your eyes). The acid draws out bacteria and revives the skin. 


Rubbing fresh lemon juice on the crow’s feet to revive the skin.

Rubbing fresh lemon juice on the crow’s feet to revive the skin.

The Bottom (Crow’s) Line 

Wrinkles, crinkles, lines, and creases, call them what you may – we all try to avoid them. But crow’s feet are one of those signs of aging that no one can avoid. They’re sheer evidence to every possible emotion that we may have felt. And yet, they may become quite problematic when it comes to restoring that youthful appearance. With these tips, you’re sure to both prevent any future lines as well as smoothen the existing crinkles. Just like fixing a crinkle in time!