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These Are The Best Ways to Treat Acne Scars

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Grace Michaeli

Those of you suffering from acne probably know how frustrating each outbreak can be. Whether you have seasonal acne, an outbreak due to a certain sensitivity, or your skin is simply prone to different blemishes, blackheads and other skin impurities, you know that the struggle is real. When treated correctly (and even daily if necessary) acne is a completely manageable skin condition, and though it varies in severity, it does in fact have remedies. 


However, when the proper skin treatment is lacking, some of the popular side effects of acne can be pretty ugly. One such issue is permanent skin scarring. Of course, the best way, as in any such condition, is prevention; treating the acne appropriately before the scarring actually occurs. But this is easier said than done and many people do have to face the pangs of acne-related scars. 


If you’re one of those people (or perhaps you’re just someone who likes being ready for every scenario), we’ve prepared a full guide going skin deep, that would help you treat acne scars. Scarred for life? We think not! 


Resist the urge to squeeze or scratch your face

Resist the urge to squeeze or scratch your face


The Word on Everybody’s Lips: Prevention 

As we previously mentioned, prevention is definitely key. But this bears repeating: your best chance of reducing acne scars is by preventing them to begin with. Prevention, nonetheless, is a rather big and general word. When it comes to acne you should treat it as soon as possible – timing is very important here. The faster you reduce the inflamed spot and get the situation under control, the more likely you are to prevent scars. 


The next thumb rule of prevention is resisting the urge to squeeze or scratch your skin blemishes. Though it is hard and tempting to just rub that itch, you mustn’t! Even more importantly, try not to scratch and peel off the scab – that’s the skin’s way of healing. Truth be told, peeling scabs is perhaps the worst thing you can do if you’re trying to avoid scarring. 


Treat acne treatments away from the sun

Exposing your scars to sunlight can make things much worse


Your Scars Don’t Need Their Moment in the Sun

Now, this tip generally applies to any skin condition, and you’ve probably heard it plenty of times, but when it comes to your acne scars, this advice is golden. As it turns out, exposing your scars to the unforgiving rays of sunlight, can make things much worse. For one, acne treatments are known to make your skin more sensitive to UV rays, and therefore, also increase your likelihood to scar. Furthermore, sunburns and even mild tans can darken your existing scare, making them more prominent and visible. 


The simplest way to ensure you’re protecting your skin the right way, is simply incorporating a strong SPF in your daily skincare routine. Better yet, if you still don’t have a steady skincare routine, this is the first step you should take. Apply sunscreen every time you leave the house, yes, even if you’re “just” going out to work. Sun protection is no laughing matter. 


Protect your skin better

Protect your skin by incorporating a strong SPF in your daily skincare routine


Treat Your Skin Gently, But Your Acne Scars Even Gentler 

While it’s true that having a suitable skincare routine is crucial for maintaining healthier, smoother and generally, a better-looking complexion, the tools you use are as important. That is, your shaving equipment, whether or not you scrub your face and the type of towel or washcloth you use at the end of every facial rinse and treatment. 

Certain skin types, especially those that scar easily, need a gentler touch. For instance, you should never scrub your face while showering, or use the same loofah for your entire body and face. Instead, use a face wash cleanser that would remove the dirt on your skin and allow for a healthy growth of new skin cells (which are crucial for scar-recovery). Once you’re thoroughly cleansed your skin, you should dry it gently – as to prevent irritating the skin and inflame your scars and surrounding skin tissue. Also, you should make sure to regularly change the towel as well as pillowcase with which your face touches on a daily basis. 


Treat Acne Scars – What’s it All About? 

Severe acne can be such a pain to deal with, and having scars on top of that, can make acne seem like a neverending nightmare. But it really doesn’t have to be that way. By acquiring responsible and easy-to-follow habits you can significantly reduce scarring and address the matter before you require surgical intervention. Simply choose the easier way out and treat your skin well.